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Zhang LiJuan
Dr. Zhang Lijuan is a professor at School of Economics, Shandong University. Her current research fields are World Economy, Trade Policy, Commercial Diplomacy, US-China Relations.
November 12, 2014
One measure means little in China's economy
The IMF estimates that China's economy will surpass the U.S. this year, but the measures of comparison are problematic.
November 10, 2014
The Asia-Pacific partnership on trade
As a forum for trade talks, the on-going APEC meetings in Beijing provide a perfect opportunity for bold and serious movement forward on economic integration across the Asia-Pacific region.
September 29, 2014
Alibaba, Amazon and Adobe: All about China
Alibaba's IPO, Amazon's move into Shanghai and Adobe's move out of China all bring to light both the challenges and opportunities.
July 15, 2014
BIT for better
The Bilateral Investment Treaty negotiations are an example of progress in Sino-U.S. relations.
April 22, 2014
P2P financing: regulation is the key
In recent years, online financing has facilitated small-scale financing. But, without proper regulation, risks abound.
April 7, 2014
The long march to an Asian free trade agreement
Asia must chart its own path to free trade.
March 8, 2014
China heading for a more balanced economy
China has to sustain its GDP growth, but more than ever, it must implement sustainable development policies.
February 18, 2014
Reforming the business-government relationship
The Shanghai Free Trade Zone is evidence of institutional reform in China.
December 22, 2013
Agriculture is strategic
The recent central government Economic Work Conference made agriculture a priority for 2014. A strong agricultural policy is critical to China's long-term success.
September 27, 2013
The key for future Chinese trade
Insitututional capacity building is the key for developing Chinese trade in the future, including building domestic laws and transparency.
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