Top 10 undervalued universities in China

By Lin Liyao
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, January 31, 2011
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You may be very familiar with the most famous universities in China, but do you know the country's top 10 undervalued universities? Here are 10 universities with long histories, fantastic beginnings and many notable alumni – that aren't so great today.


   University of Science and Technology of China


University of Science and Technology of China [Photo/]

Now, USTC has eight national key programs of first-level disciplines, four national key programs of second-level disciplines, two programs with major national support and 19 programs with major provincial and ministerial support.The establishment of USTC in 1958 was regarded as a major event in China's history of education and science. In the early 1970s, the university moved from Beijing to Hefei, the capital city of Anhui Province, which was considered to be a blunder for its development. But it seems more famous abroad than at home. To many foreigners, USTC is one of the top universities in China.

Tuition:4,800 yuan per year

Notable alumni:

Zhang Yiqin, corporate vice president of Microsoft China;

Duan Xiangfeng, assistant professor of biochemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles;

Shao Zhong, professor of computer science at Yale University

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