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Alien life deemed impossible

An artist's impression of the HD 10180 planetary system
An artist's impression of the HD 10180 planetary system
Howard Smith, a senior astrophysicist at Harvard, has claimed that there is no hope of finding alien life in the universe after an analysis of the 500 planets discovered so far showed all were hostile to life, The Daily Telegraph reports. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,哈佛大学资深天体物理学家霍华德•史密斯宣称,在宇宙中找到外星生物的希望很渺茫。此前,他对迄今为止发现的500颗行星进行了分析,发现它们并不适合生命生存。
Smith said the extreme conditions found so far on planets discovered outside our Solar System are likely to be the norm, and that the hospitable conditions on Earth could be unique. 史密斯称,迄今为止发现的太阳系以外的行星上,极端环境貌似为常态,而地球上这种适宜生命生长的环境可能是唯一的。
A separate team of scientists recently declared the chance of aliens existing on a newly discovered Earth-like planet "100 percent." Such hopes are likely to be raised in coming weeks when NASA's Kepler satellite is expected to confirm the existence of hundreds of new planets. 另外一组科学家近期称,在一个新发现的类地行星上,外星生命存在的机率为“百分之百”。在未来的几周里,美国宇航局的开普勒卫星有望确认数百颗新行星的存在,而这有可能进一步加大上述期待。
But Smith dismissed the claims, insisting that other extra-solar planets differ starkly from our own and that even if they did support life, it would not be possible for humans to make contact.


