The UK, U.S. and France have attacked Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi's forces in the first action to enforce a UN-mandated no-fly zone, BBC reports. Pentagon officials say the U.S. and the UK have fired more than 110 missiles, while French planes struck pro-Gaddafi forces attacking rebel-held Benghazi. Col. Gaddafi has vowed retaliation and said he will open arms depots to the people to defend Libya. |
英国广播公司消息,英国、美国和法国已经向利比亚总统卡扎菲的军队开火。这也是联合国通过在利比亚设立禁飞区提议后各国采取的首次军事行动。五角大楼官员称,美英两军一共发射了110多枚巡航导弹,法国战机则对向班加西推进的卡扎菲的部队进行了轰炸,而城市班加西日前由反对派控制。卡扎菲宣称要做出反击,并打开军火库武装人民以捍卫利比亚。 |
U.S. President Barack Obama said the U.S. was taking "limited military action" as part of a "broad coalition." "We cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people there will be no mercy," he said. He repeated that no U.S. ground troops would take part. |
美国总统奥巴马表示,美国对利比亚采取的 “有限军事行动”是“广泛共同行动”的一部分。他说:“当一个暴君对自己的人民毫无仁慈之心时,我们绝不袖手旁观。”他还重申,美国不会派出任何地面部队。
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