NPC to vote on draft amendment to road safety law

Xinhua, April 22, 2011

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, will vote on the draft amendment to the Road Traffic Safety Law at the end of its bimonthly sessions on Friday.

The decision was made at a meeting of the chairman and vice chairpersons of the NPC Standing Committee on Thursday. The meeting was presided over by Chairman Wu Bangguo.

Drunk drivers in China could face harsher punishments in the future, including the revocation of their driver's licenses, according to the draft amendment, which was submitted to the top legislature for the first reading.

Drunk drivers would have to wait five years after the revocation before recovering their licenses, according to the draft amendment.

The draft amendment also permanently revokes the driver's license of anyone whose drunk driving causes an accident serious enough to constitute a crime.

Lawmakers are also expected to vote on draft decisions on amending several articles of the Coal Law and Construction Law on Friday.

All the three drafts will undergo further deliberation and revision based upon the opinion of the members of the NPC Standing Committee before being put to a vote.