Hotel attacked in Afghan capital

Xinhua, June 29, 2011

A luxury hotel, the Intercontinental Hotel, in the downtown of Afghan capital city Kabul was attacked from Tuesday night to Wednesday morning, leaving at least six attackers killed and possibly over a dozen others dead or injured.

At around 3:20 local time on Wednesday (2250 GMT on Tuesday), the Intercontinental Hotel was seen on fire.

"The operation has finished, while six attackers were killed and two policemen sustained injuries," Afghan Interior Minister Bismillah Mohammadi on the spot, after checking and returning from Intercontinental Hotel, told media people at around 3:40 local time on Wednesday (2310 GMT on Tuesday).

Minister Bismillah Mohammadi, when interviewed by Xinhua, denied any casualties of any provincial governors or other high- rank Afghan official in the attack.

Earlier, Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqqi also told Xinhua that six attackers had been killed and the operation finished. When inquiring the casualties in the attack, Sediq Sediqqi replied no further details could be offered then.

While the fire on the top floor of the hotel can still be seen, Sediq Sediqqi said, "The fire is under control."

The dreadful attack, according to an eye witness who declined to be identified, started at around 10:00 p.m. local time on Tuesday (1730 GMT) when some armed men targeted the Intercontinental Hotel with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades.

"At least two rockets fired by the attackers slammed to the hotel compound in addition to gun shots," a man living close to the hotel told Xinhua.

Exchange of fires between the attackers and police lasted for hours till Wednesday morning, Xinhua reporters on the spot witnessed.

Some policemen guarding around the areas on Wednesday morning told Xinhua over a dozen people have been killed and several others sustained injuries in the gunshots and blasts.

Zabihullah Mujahid, who claims to speak for the Taliban outfit in talks with media via telephone from undisclosed locations, on Tuesday night has claimed responsibility, saying some Taliban fighters equipped with suicide vests and light arms stormed the Intercontinental Hotel and inflicted casualties to foreign and Afghan guests there.

The Intercontinental Hotel is one of the fortified accommodations in Afghan capital frequented by foreigners and Afghan officials.

Officials estimated that there were 60 to 70 guests staying at the hotel, which sits on a hill overlooking the capital. Some local media said among the guests were some of Afghan government officials from across the country who were in Kabul for a conference on Wednesday.

The attack comes weeks before foreign forces are expected to start withdrawals from the country.

U.S. President Barack Obama announced last week a plan to withdraw some 10,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan this year.