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Chinese submersible dives 4,027 meters

A China-made manned submersible completes a 4,027-meter dive on July 21, 2011.  [Photo: CCTV]

A China-made manned submersible has successfully reached 4,027 meters under sea level  on July 21, 2011 during a test dive in the north-eastern Pacific Ocean, CCTV reported.

The submersible, dubbed "Jiaolong," is designed to dive to a depth of 7,000 meters.

During the test dive, the submersible will take photos, shoot video, survey the seabed and take samples from the ocean floor.

In 2010, the submersible reached a depth of 3,759 meters in the South China Sea, making China the fifth country, following the United States, France, Russia and Japan, to have the technologies for a manned dive to more than 3,500 meters below sea level.