Cold weather hits Italy

Xinhua, February 1, 2012

Inclement weather and below-zero temperatures are gripping the Italian peninsula, causing school shut-downs and transport disruption, media reported Tuesday.

Freezing temperatures in northern Italy began moving south on Monday, as central Italy and the island of Sardinia reported snow and ice.

The authorities predicted snow could fall on Rome by Thursday or Friday, while Tuscan town Florence and the area around Versilia, along with the region of Emilia, are expected to see snow flurries by Tuesday afternoon.

The city of Turin suffered train delays and several cities and towns were put on an ice alert.

The government of Livorno has opened emergency relief centers and announced closure of schools. The port city Genoa also announced school closure measures, according to ANSA news agency.

At 3,000 meters on Mt Blanc in the northwestern region of Val d'Aosta, temperatures dipped to minus 21 degrees Celsius, ANSA reported.

Many of Italian Serie A and B soccer matches are at risk of cancellation due to the weather and Sampdoria-Empoli slated for Tuesday was alrea