All-round China-Russia cooperation is inevitable

By Wu Fei, September 24, 2014

Comprehensive cooperation between China and Russia has become inevitable. [File photo]

Recently, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Tajikistan and attended the 14th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). After his Central Asian trip, Xi visited the Maldives, Sri Lanka and India in the following days. This is the second time that Xi has attended the SCO summit and his first official visit to South Asian countries after he became Chinese president. This shows that China has begun to promote diplomacy that aims to develop bilateral and multilateral relations with countries along the Silk Road, the Maritime Silk Road and the Yangtze River economic belts. This time, in accordance with SCO's needs and the spirit of the CICA, Russia gave full support to China's proposition of a security structure among neighboring countries.

United States has to face the failure of unilateralism

A phenomenon has arisen which breaches the common idea of the Cold War, so why is the United States so relieved about the close cooperation between China and Russia? In the Cold War era, the United States used to oppose warming relations between China and the Soviet Union. On the Ukraine issue, the United States has again challenged the bottom line of Russia's national security, so is it doing it only for restoring the glory of NATO, or for its allies such as Japan or Philippines, or just for the U.S. "return to Asia" policy?

Is there some problem with America's strategic security? Of course not. According to the U.S. think tanks, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the 2008 financial crisis struck a significant blow to American unilateralism. At present, the U.S, dominated dollar system is facing a comprehensive challenge from emerging economies, for example, Russia began to abandon the dollar during its oil trade, and China tried to promote the renminbi to Central Asian and Southeast Asian countries, and the EU has fully recognized Germany's dominant position in the economic crisis. The debt model of economic development in the United States and its policy of fully involving itself in hotspots is coming under doubt. What's worse, terrorist organizations, such as al-Qaeda and ISIS, continue to recruit new members.

After the Ukraine crisis broke out, the U.S. strengthened NATO power in Ukraine, rather than helping to resolve the issue peacefully. It seems that the United States does not care whether Ukraine can resolve the difficulties or not, and it even expects to see the disintegration of Ukraine.

The full challenge of U.S. unilateralism from emerging economies has led to the decline of the dollar economy. The United States first has to stabilize the confidence of European countries towards the dollar economy before weakening the challenge coming from the EU. It has monitored the German premiers for more than three decades, which proves that the United States has never felt assured about Germany. Under these circumstances, how can the United States maintain its control in Europe? Restoring the glory of NATO has become an inevitable choice. There is no hope for China and Russia to regain their previous friendship with the United States. Therefore, how to expand international cooperation under the existing international framework is a question both China and Russia need to think over carefully.

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