Animation 'Mr. Black' comes back in August

CRI, July 8, 2015

The upcoming film Mr. Black: Green Star, which is adapted from the China's popular animated TV shows "Black Cat Detective" will come out in August.

Poster of the upcoming film Mr. Black: Green Star which is adapted from the popular animated TV shows "Black Cat Detective" [Photo/CRI via agencies]

It tells a series of stories about a smart, brave and handsome black cat detective who leads his fellow officers who protects animals that lives in the forest against criminals and mischief-makers.

The original TV cartoon series "Black Cat Detective" has accompanied for those Chinese who born after 1970s, 80s and 90s through their childhood.

The character Black Cat Detective will still be the same as 30 years ago, wearing a policeman uniform with a gun at the side and riding his old motorcycle.

The film's production company also abandoned the use of the popular 3D effect; instead, it has adopted the original watercolor characters, claiming it doesn't want to ruin some audiences' childhood memory.