Myanmar hit by 'catastrophic' floods, August 4, 2015

Vulnerable children in Myanmar face a 'double catastrophe' as floods add to the hardship faced by children living in poverty and those recovering from violence and conflict. [Photo/UNICEF Myanmar]

UNICEF is working closely with other UN agencies is working closely with the Myanmar authorities, dispatching assessment teams to affected areas to identify the priority needs of children and families in terms of water and sanitation, health care, and nutrition.

"UNICEF has already supported the distribution of water purification tablets and hygiene kits to the affected areas," Ms. Bahuguna said. "We are working…to get emergency messages out to local communities through radio, to tell people how to prevent water borne diseases."

Myanmar is prone to natural disasters such as floods, cyclones and earthquakes. There is a need for more resources to scale up disaster preparedness, and to improve community resilience. The heaviest affected areas are among the poorest states in Myanmar, a country where nearly 70 percent of people live close to the $2-per-day poverty threshold, and children make up 34 per cent of the population.

Earlier this year, UNICEF appealed for $24.9 million to help children affected by violence and conflict in Rakhine state. The agency has received $5.6 million so far, leaving a $19.3 million shortfall, even before the needs of flood-affected families are taken into account.

"The impact of these floods makes the need for funding, particularly for displaced and vulnerable families, even more urgent," Ms. Bahuguna said. "The poorest children and families are going to be the hardest hit, and we need to build their resilience so they can cope with these kinds of crises."

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