File photo of Chinese DF-21D ballistic anti-ship missile |
"Beijing seems to have displayed some of its most impressive missile technology - technology that would be used to keep the U.S. Navy at bay in the event of a military conflict," wrote the US media The National Interest in its article On Display: China's Master Plan to Sink the U.S. Navy.
It adds, "While there are many doubts as to whether the system is fully operational - the DF-21D has never been tested against a noncooperative sea-going target - it presents a tremendous challenge to U.S. maritime might in Asia once it becomes fully ready for military operations."
It is well-known that the U.S. never stops its preparation for potential conflicts with China. U.S. media spare no efforts to hype Chinese DF-21D ballistic anti-ship missile is a trump card, a big threat to the U.S. It seems that China can stifle the U.S. just relying on DF-21D. The U.S. once did the same thing during the Cold War. It hyped that the nuclear submarine of the Soviet Union was a big threat to the U.S. while it developed aircraft carrier and submarine to build all-around sea power. Now the U.S. plays the same trick to distract China from evenly developing its navy.
One or two "trump-card" weapons are unable to ensure that one country wins in modern warfare. China should keep a clear mind about the flattery of U.S. media that DF-21D is China's trump card. In recent years, China has been pushing forward research and development of new-type weapon including large surface combatant ship, new-type submarine, fighter jets, long-range missiles and intelligent torpedo. This clearly shows that the development strategy of Chinese navy has not been disrupted by the U.S.