New mobile users should register identification in China

Xinhua, September 1, 2015

New mobile users in China are now required to register their identification, according to a new regulation that will start on Tuesday.

Mobile operators should replace registrations from old users who did not register their identification before Sept. 1, 2013. The regulation seeks to have 90 percent of mobile users registered with real names by the end of this year.

New mobile users in China are now required to register their identification, according to a new regulation that will start on Tuesday.

Several other new laws and regulations will come into effect on Tuesday.

According to the revision of the Advertising Law, advertising companies should not employ children under the age of 10 as spokespeople.

Health care products are banned from using a spokesperson and are no longer allowed to make claims that products can cure diseases, according to the new law.

According to a new regulation on public supervision over environmental protection, citizens, enterprises and organizations can report malpractice of local government to upper-level government or supervisory organs, via letter, fax, email and hotline.

The regulation urged protection of whistleblowers's rights and a timely reaction to complaints. It also encouraged a special fund to award whistleblowers.

According to a regulation on private lending, peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms no longer bear responsibility for problems between borrowers and lenders who meet on the platform unless they provide a guarantee beforehand.