
Chinese envoy hails "unbreakable" ties with Zambia

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, May 28, 2024
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LUSAKA, May 27 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Monday commended the "unbreakable" cooperation the country has enjoyed with Zambia over the years and expressed optimism that the relationship will continue to blossom.

"China will, as always, support Zambia by promoting modernization, enhancing the well-being of Zambian citizens, and jointly realizing development and revitalization," said Liu Guoyu, economic and commercial counselor at the Chinese Embassy in Zambia, at a groundbreaking ceremony for the road upgrade accessing the China-aided Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, the Zambian capital.

The road, which has been renamed the Zambia-China Friendship Road, is financed and upgraded by the Zambia Chinese Association, and will have walkways, solar-powered streetlights and a beautiful garden.

Liu said the two countries have carried out mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields such as infrastructure, health and education, adding that China has so far sent 25 batches of medical teams to Zambia, which have strengthened the bilateral ties by improving local people's health.

According to him, cooperation between the two countries is expected to move to a higher level as the two countries will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations this year.

Garry Nkombo, minister of local government and rural development, commended China for its support over the years, adding that there is a need to continue nurturing the cooperation.

The decision to rename the road was made during a council meeting to appreciate China as an all-weather friend, he said, adding that China has supported Zambia in addressing various challenges, including COVID-19 and economic issues.

Zhang Jian, president of the Zambia Chinese Association, said the road upgrade is not just about improving infrastructure but also symbolizes the strong friendship between the two countries.

Elwyn Chomba, vice-chancellor of Levy Mwanawasa Medical University, praised China's support in the health sector, which has enhanced the delivery of quality healthcare services. Enditem

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