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Court: The court used for Goalball is a rectangle 18 x 9m. Starting from the final lines, where the goalposts are placed, a 9 x 3m team area and a 9 x 3m landing area for each team is marked. The remaining 9 x 6m area, between the two landing areas, is called the neutral area, which is divided in two parts by the centre line. With the exception of the final lines, all markings are tactile to enable the players' orientation. This includes the players' position and orientation lines in each team area. Goalposts have a height and length of 1,3m and 9m respectively. The court markings are clearly visible and tactile to help players orientate themselves on court.

Goals: Regulation goals measure 9 (equal to the length of the court) x 1.3m high.

Ball: The ball used for Goalball competition is made of rubber, weighs 1.25g with a circumference of approximately 76cm. It has with 8 holes and noise bells inside. The ball must meet the specifications of the IBSA Sport Technical Committee.

Clothing: Teams must wear matching jerseys, pants and socks with a number clearly visible on the front and back of each player.

Eyeshades: All competitors must wear eyeshades at all times on the court. At all major competitions, all players shall have their eyes covered by gauze patches under the supervision of the IBSA Goalball Technical Delegate. Penalties are given if a player touches the eyeshade during play. This ensures that the level of all players is equal.



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