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China Calls for Solidarity on Human Rights
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Chinese Ambassador Sha Zukang to the ongoing 58th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights on Tuesday called for strengthened international cooperation instead of political confrontation.

Speaking to the session in Geneva on Tuesday, Sha said the biggest problem troubling the commission is the practice of pursuing political confrontation in the name of human rights. "This practice is growing rampant," he said.

The Chinese ambassador described the commission session as the first one after the September 11 event, which has led to rare international solidarity and cooperation on the issue of counter-terrorism.

Such solidarity and cooperation are equally needed in human rights and other fields, Sha added.

Sha appealed to the commission to pay more attention to the needs of developing countries and put more emphasis on economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development.

"We note with regret that the importance of economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development is not duly reflected in the composition of the agenda, allocation of time, number of resolutions and mechanisms," said the Chinese ambassador.

Sha said that with globalization gathering pace, most of the developing countries are encountered with the major challenge of how to realize economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development.

"Neglecting economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development is, in essence, the denial of developing countries' legitimate demand on the issue of human rights," said Sha.

The current session began on March 18 and will end on April 26.

(China Daily March 20 2002)

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