Xinhua News Agency published a signed article by
Guang Ming Tuesday denouncing Falun Gong and the latest fallacies
from cult leader Li Hongzhi in spreading the cult in North America.
The author used a large number of facts and figures, and claimed
that the cult was already responsible for the deaths of over 1,700
people, revealing the true nature of Falun Gong.
Hongzhi began to use new deceitful tricks at beginning of this
year. The article pointed out that the true skill and power of Li
Hongzhi and Falun Gong was to cause death.
The author stated that Li Hongzhi had said, "Many thing were the
arrangements by old order," words he used to deify himself and
deceive others.
Malicious fallacies were the one "great skill" of Li Hongzhi. He
fabricated an "evil axis in China" to instigate foreigners to cause
trouble in China.
Hongzhi was afraid that his followers would abandon him. He knew
very clearly that his deceit could not last and many of his
followers already doubted his fallacies.
The author also noted that Li Hongzhi feared that people, including
those with anti-Chinese intent, had seen clearly the true essence
of Falun Gong -- a cult which was cruelly responsible for the
deaths of many people.
The only way for Li Hongzhi to struggle from his trapped situation
was deceit. He had even asked his followers how to deceive
But he remained disappointed. He had betrayed his native country
and no one would believe in him and his cult.
The author stressed that all cults were doomed throughout China's
long history and the same would befall Li Hongzhi and Falun
(Xinhua News
Agency May 7, 2002)