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China Regulates General Aviation Activities
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Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji and Central Military Commission Chairman Jiang Zemin have signed a decree regulating the country's general aviation industry.

Sources say the regulation, known as the Regulation for Flight Control of General Aviation and formulated in accordance with internationally accepted practices, will help China make better use of its airspace, ensure aviation safety and ensure the smooth development of the country's general aviation activities.

General aviation refers to all aviation activities with the exception of those related to the military, the police, customs and public transportation, the sources explained.

It involves flights undertaken by a wide variety of sectors, including manufacturing, agriculture, forestry, fishery, mining and maritime monitoring and survey. It also includes flights related to scientific experiments, remote sensing surveys, sports and sightseeing.

The regulation, which will take effect on May 1, 2003, consists of seven chapters and 45 articles.

All those engaged in general aviation activities in China are subject to the terms of the regulation.

The regulation also applies to the release of free and unmanned air balloons and fixed balloons.

Violations of regulation that cause serious consequences will be subject to criminal prosecution, the regulation stipulates.

(Xinhua News Agency January 14, 2003)

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