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Spokesman: CPC-PFP Communiqué Contains New Ideas
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The communiqué of the talks between Hu Jintao, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, and James Soong, chairman of the People First Party, contains many new elements that benefit Taiwan compatriots, said a CPC Taiwan Work Office spokesman Thursday.

"The talk between General Secretary Hu Jintao and Chairman James Soong is the first formal talk between top leaders of the two parties. It is of important historical and realistic significance in beefing up exchanges between the two parties and boosting development of cross-Straits relations," said the spokesman.

He said the communiqué reflected the major results of the talk. It indicates both sides call for promoting early resumption of cross-Straits negotiations on an equal footing and on the basis of the "1992 Consensus", resolutely opposing "Taiwan independence" and jointly working for peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits. It serves to end the state of hostility and the establishment of a peace framework across the Straits.

The spokesman said according to the communiqué, the two parties shared the idea that "unity and cooperation across the Straits benefit both sides, separation harms both and exchanges lead to a win-win situation." On this common basis, they have reached nine-point consensus on boosting cross-Straits economic and trade exchanges and promoting the establishment of a stable mechanism for cross-Straits economic and trade cooperation.

He said the nine points of consensus contain many new elements. Among them, the mainland has promised to further simplify exit and entry procedures of Taiwan compatriots, apply the same rates of charges and fees on Taiwan students studying on the mainland as those on mainland students, and applying flexible employment policies on Taiwan compatriots seeking jobs on the mainland.

He said other policies announced by Director of the CPC Central Committee's Taiwan Work Office Chen Yunlin on May 3, including expanding the market access of Taiwan fruits on the mainland in the near future and exempting tariffs on 10-plus of them, are also embodied in the communiqué.

The two parties have agreed to promote the establishment of a cross-Straits non-governmental forum of elites, which will also serve as a platform for exchanges between the parties.

The spokesman said the talks achieved major results because the two parties share common principles, which are adhering to the one-China principle and the "1992 Consensus", resolutely opposing "Taiwan independence" and working for peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits.

He said improvement and development of cross-Straits relations depends on a peaceful and stable environment. "Taiwan independence" secessionist stances and activities harm the feelings of people on both sides of the Straits, obstruct the development of normal and mutually beneficial cooperative relations between the two sides and moreover, undermine security and stability in the Taiwan Straits and the Asia-Pacific Region.

He said achievements in the talk are all conducive to promoting, improving and developing cross-Straits relations and safeguarding the fundamental interests of compatriots of both sides, especially the Taiwan compatriots.

"I believe compatriots of both sides will approve and support efforts by the two parties to push for and implement various measures mentioned in the communiqué," said the spokesman.

(Xinhua News Agency May 12, 2005)

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