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Top Procurator Pledges to Crack Down on Environmental Crime
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Jia Chunwang, procurator-general of China's Supreme People's Procuratorate, pledged to crack down on environmental crimes Thursday.


Jia urged procuratorates at all levels to strengthen the fight against crimes that damage or pollute the environment.


"Suspects should be arrested and sued instead of being simply fined," he stressed.


At the recent annual sessions of China's National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), several NPC deputies and CPPCC members lambasted organizations and individuals that damage or pollute the environment.


The NPC deputies and CPPCC members required procuratorates to make criminals shoulder their responsibilities, saying severe punishments should not be replaced with a mere fine.


Jia asked all procuratorates to intensify their fight against these criminals and play an active role in building an energy efficient and environmentally friendly country.


Last year, Chinese director Chen Kaige was fined 90,000 yuan (US$11,250) for littering and destroying vegetation while shooting his 42-million-dollar film "The Promise" at a scenic nature reserve in Shangri La, in southwest China's Yunnan Province.


On February 27, China released a new regulation to restrict film shoots and artistic performances in its natural reserves and scenic spots in order to protect these areas.


(Xinhua News Agency March 30, 2007)

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