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China Considers Red-crowned Crane for National Bird
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The Red-crowned Crane has won out as the candidate for

China's national bird after years of expert analysis and public polls.


Heilongjiang Daily reports the State Forestry Administration has now submitted the results to the State Council for final approval.


Conducted by the State Forestry Administration and China Wildlife Protection Association, the selection was launched in 2003.


The Red-crowned Crane, a bird that Chinese used to connect with a beautiful myth, represents longevity in greetings. It won an overwhelming 64.92 percent of the vote held on more than twenty Chinese websites from May to June 2004 attracting around 5 million netizens.


Ten species, also including magpie and golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus), were listed as candidates.


More than 40 countries currently have national birds. The United States started the trend for national birds when it made the Bald Eagle its avian representative 200 years ago.




(CRI.cn April 20, 2007)

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