The original animated film "Whoops, Mistake!" by animation major Aneta Kyrova from Czech, took away 'White Poplar' award, the top prize. [CRI] |
The original animated film "Whoops, Mistake!" by animation major Aneta Kyrova from the Czech Republic, won the top 'White Poplar' award, bagging a cash prize of 10,000 RMB. The story was applauded for its well defined characters and accurate depiction of human nature.
The 3 ASIFA (Association Internationale du Film d'Animation) China Awards went to "Chase" by Mu Jianhong of CUC animation school, "Promise" by Peng Qingzheng from the Beijing Film Academy, and "Shuang Xia Shan," or Escape from the Temple, by Zhou Xing from the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts.
A four-member team from Peking University grabbed the Best Interactive Installation award with their project 'The Door', which combines avant-garde conceptual art and digital animation.
Aneta Kyrova, director of "Whoops, Mistake!" sent greetings to the event through VCR during The Awards and Closing Ceremony of Aniwow! 2009 in Communication University of China(CUC), Beijing on Saturday evening, October 31, 2009. [CRI] |
Wang Jun from the team expressed his thrill at their success and said he was confident about the future development this new art form that integrates physical theory and fine art. He said he hopes this new style will be of more commercial and pragmatic value in the future.
Winner of the 2009 KAKU Annual Best Animated Series is "GG Bond Warrior in Future World." The Beijing Animation Culture Best Creativity award was given to the popular animated version of 'Wu Lin Wai Zhuan', or My Own Swordsman.
This year's Beijing Animation Culture Best Investor award went to Mr Cai Dongqing, chief of Guangdong Alpha Animation and Culture, the first listed Chinese animation toy company.
One of the highlights of the show was when the KAKU Annual Award for Special Achievement was presented to Mr. Jin Delong, deputy editor-in-chief of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT). The prize was given in recognition of his unswerving efforts to develop the Chinese animation industry.
The Jury's Special Award went to the promotion series for Aniwow! 2009, most of which were co-produced by CUC and French students.