Brigitte Lin coming out of retirement

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail CRI, July 23, 2012
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Brigitte Lin as Dongfang Bubai, one of her best-known characters. The actress is reportedly coming out of retirement to play in Zhang Yimou's upcoming film "Dragon Kiss". [Photo:]

Famed actress Brigitte Lin is coming out of retirement to play a role in director Zhang Yimou's upcoming film "Dragon Kiss", according to Chinese media.

Lin hasn't starred in a film since she left the industry in 1994 when she married businessman Michael Ying.

The actress has worked with director Tsui Hark in many of the films he directed and produced such as "Swordsman II" and "Peking Opera Blues".

Lin will be joined by a stellar cast in "Dragon Kiss".

With a budget of 100 million yuan, the film features a host of strong cast members including pianist Lang Lang and comedian Guo Degang.

Hollywood megastar Angelina Jolie will reportedly also appear in the film.

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