18 tonne of ink slab vying for Guinness world record

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail CRI, December 3, 2014
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Photo taken on December 2, 2014 shows a six-meter long ink slab that weighs a whopping 18 tonnes applying to the Guinness Book of World records. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

Photo taken on December 2, 2014 shows a six-meter long ink slab that weighs a whopping 18 tonnes applying to the Guinness Book of World records. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

A Chinese collector has commissioned a six-meter long ink slab that weighs a whopping 18 tonnes.

Ink slabs are used in Chinese calligraphy.

This intricately carved stone features 56 dragons and other traditional Chinese art-motifs. The collector has applied to the Guinness Book of World records to see whether this ink slab can be recognized as the largest of its kind.

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