NICONICO to air films on Japan's aggression history

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail CRI, July 16, 2015
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President of DWANGO-parent company of NICONICO announces that a set of documentaries and movies related to Japan's aggression in some Asian countries during the Second World War will be aired in NICONICO. [Photo:]

NICONICO -- the largest video website in Japan, has announced a set of documentaries and movies related to Japan's aggression in some Asian countries during the Second World War.

Chinese film-"City of Life and Death", also known as-"Nanjing Nanjing" and two documentaries-"YASUKUNI" and "The Memory of Nanjing in 1937" are among those to be aired starting from later this month.

"City of Life and Death" and "The Memory of Nanjing in 1937" deal with the "Nanking Massacre" and its aftermath during Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.

"YASUKUNI" looks at the history of Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, where more than 2 million of Japan's war dead are enshrined.

All these films and documentaries failed to hit Japanese theaters previously.

NICONICO says the move is to meet common people's needs to know the true history.

First to be aired is the documentary-"Japan & Korea - the Ties That Bind".

It revolves around issues such as "the comfort women" and "territorial disputes" between Japan and South Korea.

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