In numbers: The rise of southern Beijing (2013-15)

By Zhang Junmian
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, April 7, 2013
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Beijing released its South Beijing Three-Year Development Action Plan (2013-2015) in late March of 2013, vowing to invest nearly 396 billion yuan (US$62.9 billion) in the further development of its southern areas.

The move hit newspaper headlines as investors could see great business opportunities in the plan, and the residents of southern Beijing see their "Chinese dream" being realized. Life will be much better in the future.

Here, has summarized for you what is to be expected from the new 2013-2015 plan.

   Total investment: 396 billion yuan


Total investment: 396 billion yuan [File Photo]

The plan vows to invest nearly 396 billion yuan (US$62.9 billion) in the further development of its southern areas, compared to the 296 billion yuan-input during the first three-year plan (2010-2012).

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