A 22-page biography of the First Lady will be released in the US as the latest in a "Female Force" series focusing on female politicians.
The comic portrays Mrs Obama's childhood in Chicago, her university days at Princeton and the journey to the White House with her husband.
Bluewater Productions, the Washington-based publisher, has already released successful issues on Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, both of which sold out quickly and are on their second print run.
It is expected that the comic featuring Mrs Obama, which will officially be released on April 25 and cost $3.99, will be even more successful than those of her political counterparts.
Darren Davis, the company's president, said: "I feel like the guy who invented the Furby," referring to the enormously popular toy robot. He added: "The reaction has been insane." The front cover paints a striking image of Mrs Obama, 45, wearing a tight top as she folds her famous forearms.
The plot is said to be entirely positive, deliberately omitting any controversial speeches or perceived blunders.
Mr Davis added: "We wanted to be respectful to all the women in the series. They've done some really amazing things in their lives."
However there is no place in the script for Mrs Obama's young daughters. That could be a way to avert the criticism that followed a toy company's decision to release dolls bearing a striking resemblance to the girls last month.
Mrs Obama's presss secretary, Katie McCormick Lelyveld, complained at the time: "We feel it is inappropriate to use young private citizens for marketing purposes."
(CRI/Agencies March 17, 2009)