Rare earths, important minerals used in a wide range of products. |
Hoarding drives rare earth prices up |
稀土下游企业囤而不炼 全产业链赌价格再大涨 |
As prices of rare earth metals shoot up, rare earths companies are building stockpiles in anticipation of higher prices. "Due to their surging cost, some manufacturers that use rare earths to make goods have halted production and began to stock up on the minerals," said a manager at Jingcheng Technology Magnetic Materials. "Speculating on rare earths is now more profitable than using them to produce products."
随着稀土价格上涨,下游稀土应用企业停产面积呈扩大趋势,大多数企业有囤货待涨的行为。 山西精诚科技磁材有限公司的一位负责人告诉本报记者,由于稀土原料疯涨,部分稀土制造企业已停止生产,转而囤积原料。上述负责人解释,炒矿的利润远大于生产利润,是一些制造企业转而囤矿的主要原因。 虽然稀土价格上涨结束了过去20年我国稀土卖“白菜价”的时代,但稀土暴涨对产业链的伤害已引起有关部门的注意。 “现在下游生产企业用生死存亡来形容都不为过。”上述山西精诚科技磁材有限公司负责人对本报记者表示。“实际上,囤货的风险也很大,因为价格到哪里会下来,大家心里都没谱。” 6月21日,工信部稀土办公室的一位专家告诉21世纪经济报道报记者,目前,工信部正在研究稀土定价机制,防止稀土价格继续暴涨给稀土应用企业带来进一步损伤。 |
China's business press carried the story above on Wednesday.
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