Tudou.com hopes to net an estimated US$143.5 million with the offering, which will sell 6 million American depository shares for an estimated $28 to $30 each, according to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. |
Divorce settled, Tudou.com prepares for New York IPO |
土豆网发行价区间为28至30美元 融资1.6亿美元 |
Chinese online video portal Tudou.com is finalizing plans for a New York initial public offering in a bid to raise new funds to expand its operations. | 北京时间8月4日凌晨消息,美国证券交易委员会的文件显示,土豆网将IPO发行价区间定为28至30美元。按中间价计算,土豆将融资1.62亿美元。 |
The Shanghai-based firm's hopes to net an estimated US$143.5 million with the offering, which will sell 6 million American depository shares for an estimated $28 to $30 each, according to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. | 美国证券交易委员会的文件显示,土豆网将IPO发行价区间定为28至30美元。按中间价计算,土豆将融资1.62亿美元。土豆本次IPO总计计划发行600万股ADR(美国存托凭证,预计净现金所得1.435亿美元。 |
The company will sell almost 5.6 million shares, while shareholders will offer another 430,000. | 土豆本次IPO总计计划发行600万股ADR(美国存托凭证),其中560万股来自土豆网,43万股来自售股股东,预计净现金所得1.435亿美元。 |
Tudou, China's second-largest online video website, plans to go public this week, Reuters reported. The company has declined to comment. Tudou filed for an IPO in November last year, seeking to raise $120 million. But the deal was stalled after Tudou CEO Gary Wang's ex-wife filed suit against him in a messy divorce dispute. | 据汤森路透报道,知情人士表示,土豆网计划于本周内登陆纳斯达克市场。但土豆网对新浪科技表示对此事不予评论。土豆网去年11月提交IPO申请,计划融资1.2亿美元。但由于土豆网CEO王微与其前妻的婚姻纠纷而迟迟未能上市。 |
Tudou says it will use the funds to increase its Internet bandwidth and technology. Competition between Tudou and rival Youku, China's largest online video website, is fierce. Youku went public in the U.S. last December, and its market cap has since tripled. | 土豆网将利用IPO募集的资金拓展互联网带宽,升级技术。该网站是中国第二大在线视频网站,与排名第一的优酷网激烈竞争。后者去年12月赴美上市,如今市值增长近2倍。 |
As of June 30 this year, the Tudou has 90.1 million registered users, up from 16.3 million at the end of 2007. The website logged about 200 million page views in May of this year, compared with 50 million in December 2007. | 截至今年6月30日,土豆网注册用户量从2007年年底的1630万人增长至9010万人,增幅达450%。今年5月,土豆网独立用户访问量从2007年12月的5000万增长至约2亿。 |
China's business press carried the story above on Thursday.
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