Top procuratorate investigates house-hoarding case

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, January 25, 2013
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China's top procuratorate on Friday vowed a prompt investigation into Gong Ai'ai, a woman who is believed to own some 20 houses under multiple identities, as her case may involve dereliction of duty on the part of government officials.


The case has stirred fierce public outcry, according to the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPC).

The SPC urged procuratorates in Beijing, as well as the provinces of Shanxi and Shaanxi, to swiftly investigate possible dereliction of duty pertaining to officials involved in Gong's case, as well as to respond to public concerns in a timely manner.

The Ministry of Public Security also vowed on Thursday to fully probe Gong's case.

Gong is suspected of using several different household registration records to obtain extra homes.

Government property market controls use identification records to restrict individuals from buying multiple homes, leading some people to use fake identities to evade the restrictions.

A string of housing scandals, including the arrest of housing administration official Zhai Zhenfeng, who was found to have used multiple identities to purchase 31 homes, have aroused public anger in recent months.

Zhai's wife took advantage of his position to illegally obtain affordable housing that was originally built for low-income families.

Many people in China rent their homes, while others struggle to pay for their houses.

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