That is not to say that China should react exactly as the West has to its own disturbances. But when Chinese police entered Tibet to ensure stability according to law and protect the citizens from violence, it is not wrong to do so. The West’s duplicitous nature provokes Chinese anger and has caused the solvency of the credibility of Western media in Chinese hearts.
If you surf any Chinese internet forum, you will find indignant Chinese protest against Western media and the distortion of facts by Western politicians. Ask any Chinese and you will find that Chinese people say that it is the West’s and Tibetan separatists’ conspiracy to weaken and even split China, because they can’t accept an emerging superpower. No matter whether the sayings are right or wrong, evident or naive, the fact is that China is imperfect as other nations in the world. It will be more open and better, as many Chinese optimistically believe.
Olympic torch relay disturbances added ammunition to the furious fever. When a girl with physical disabilities protected the torch from violent Tibetan activists in Paris, the dramatic image made her an overnight heroine of the Chinese people. The Chinese government and the people of China have prepared the Olympics for seven years with hard-work, intelligence and dedication. The national pride is huge here as China is developing at a pace never seen before.
When mutual understanding is lost, there is no peaceful and useful platform for dialogue between China and the West. There should be greater efforts to bridge the two sides in preparation for the Games as the Olympics are not about politics but about a time when the world can come together in harmony and peace.
(China.org.cn April 15, 2008)