Yang Zhiping, right, president of Henan Changtong Logistics Company, passes the key to a new apartment to an outstanding young migrant employee in Zhenzhou City, Central China's Henan Province, on September 27, 2009. [Photo: CFP]
One hundred young migrant workers in Zhengzhou City, Central China's Henan Province, on Sunday received the keys to new apartments as a reward for their outstanding performances.
These young people are staff members of Henan Changtong Logistics Company, the province's largest private logistics company.
Rising housing prices and low purchasing ability frustrate young migrant workers and leave many homeless. These young people contribute greatly to the fast economic development in China's cities but struggle to put down roots in an unfamiliar place.
To encourage workers and help find a home for those who moved to a new city to work, Henan Changtong Logistics Company bought 100 apartments as rewards for outstanding staff members. The company thinks the best way to celebrate China's 60th birthday is to help its staff solve practical problems.
The company has more than 6,000 employees, 80 percent of whom are young people in need of a place to live.