Foreign ambassadors and diplomatic envoys have gone to the Chinese Foreign Ministry to pay their respects to the victims of the Sichuan earthquake.

More than 80 ambassadors came to the ministry to express their deep condolences over those who've perished in the disaster.
More than 80 ambassadors came to the ministry to express their deep condolences over those who've perished in the disaster.
Many said they were impressed by the rapid response of the Chinese government.
Russian Ambassador to China Sergey Razov said, "Russian people are friendly people, and as China's strategic partner, Russia felt truly sorry about the disaster which China is suffering now. "
India Ambassador to China Nirupama Rao said, "We stand ready to give support to china."
Ambassador of Cameroon to China Eleih-Elle Etian said, "First we feel sorry, second we admire what Chinese government and its people have done."
Ambassador of ROK to China Shin Jung Seung said, "We believe can get through the difficult time quickly and united to host a successful Olympic Games. "
Many ambassadors say their countries are ready to send more aid to assist China's relief efforts.
And many foreign embassies in Beijing have lowered their national flags to half-mast.
(CCTV May 20, 2008)