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Courts restart trials in quake-areas
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Seven tents standing at the north side of Anxian's driving school accommodate Beichuan's temporary Court. Only 16 of 44 staff survived the earthquake, among whom 3 were severely injured. The Court House collapsed, and the office equipment and case files were all destroyed.

Li Zhijun, the vice president of Beichuan Court said that before the earthquake, there were several hundred cases outstanding. For now, the most difficult task is to deal with various procedural issues resulting from the quake disaster.

"Over 7,000 people in Beichuan were killed or are missing in the earthquake," Li said, "This is going to be huge problem because there are many civil consequences. Issues relating to bank deposits, property, and contract will have to be dealt with by Court in accordance with determined legal procedures.

"We'll have 200 to 300 cases a year. We can overcome the current difficulties and resume operations", Li said confidently. Nine judges have already started work in the tents.

(China.org.cn by Keen Zhang, June 12, 2008)

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