A dozen human skulls reckoned to be between 80, 000 and 100,000 years old are found in Lingjing, Henan Province.

A dozen human skulls reckoned to be between 80, 000 and 100,000 years old are found in Lingjing, Henan Province.
Archaeologists digging in Lingjing, Henan Province, have found a dozen human skulls reckoned to be between 80, 000 and 100,000 years old.
Team leader Li Zhangyang said the finds, which include occipital, frontal and parietal bones, are extremely exciting and will help push forward research into early humans.
The team has been digging in Lingjing since last year and has so far discovered 28 fossil human remains.
The State Administration for Cultural Heritage has named Lingjing's early humans "Xuchang People".
(China.org.cn by Wu Jin, June 12, 2008)