2. World Heritage List Enlarged
On July 6, the 32nd Session of the World Heritage Committee approved adding Tulou, the unique residential architecture of Fujian Province in southeast China, to the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as a cultural site. On the following day, the scenic area of the Sanqingshan Mountain in central China's Jiangxi Province was also included on the list. This brings the number of the world heritage listings in China to 37.
Built between the 12th and 20th centuries, Tulou is the typical dwelling house of the Hakka people. Mainly made of adobe and in round or square shapes, Tulou houses are some of the most unique large-scale residential compounds in the world. The Tulou architecture reflects the folk customs and unique living style of the Hakka people.
The Sanqingshan Mountain was included as a world heritage site for its exceptional scenic quality. Covering an area of 22,950 hectares, the scenic zone of the Sanqingshan Mountain presents unique granite peaks and pillars featuring a variety of unusual shapes, rich vegetation and ever-changing weather patterns.