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Master Hsing Yun calls for harmony
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Talking with complete composure, the aging Buddhist offered consolation to the world with words of wisdom. He said the power to deal with life’s challenges lies in a belief in compassion, bravery, perseverance and wisdom. Only when people discipline themselves within a strong moral structure can they find the path to overcome their difficulties and lead a noble life.

Speaking modestly, and rising from his chair in the last few minutes of his speech, Hsing Yun stressed the importance of mutual reverence in shaping a harmonious world. "Although eyebrows seem less useful than eyes, nose and mouth, we can hardly put them at the bottom of the face, otherwise the face will appear ridiculous. Living in a country with 1.3 billion siblings, who share the same profound historical antecedents, we should revere each other and never allow a sense of superiority to disturb the harmony."

The Second World Buddhist Forum will be held in Wuxi and Taipei respectively from March 28 to 29, and March 31-April 1, with over 1,000 monks from more than 50 countries and regions participating in the event. The forum is also the first religious event to be held on both sides of Taiwan Straits.

Earlier on Friday morning, both Vice President Ming Sheng of the Buddhist Association of China and Master Yi Kung of the Buddha's Light International Association, agreed that the forum will help improve relations between the mainland and Taiwan at a press conference. They said the cooperation and exchange should be continued in the future.

Master Hsing Yun echoed the idea and said the exchanges between Buddhists will pull the two sides closer and perhaps contribute to a future reunification of China.

"I hope the forum will be a beginning for the reunification of Buddhism across the Straits," he said.

"All the people of Taiwan are Chinese. Affection between people on both sides will not be cut off by the Straits."

Ming Sheng and Yi Kung also stressed the concepts of a harmonious world, and exchange, dialogue and cooperation among civilizations, peoples and religions around the world.

"When we talk about 'harmonious', we are talking about mutual respect and tolerance," said Yi Kung. "People should always try to see things from the point of view of others.”

The forum, with the theme "A harmonious world, a synergy of conditions," was jointly organized by the Buddhist Association of China, the Buddha's Light International Association, the Hong Kong Buddhist Association, and the China Religious Culture Communication Association.

The highlights will include the opening ceremony, several sub-forums, a display by 1,000 monks in the Monastic Dining Hall, five Buddhist exhibitions and a grand performance in Wuxi, and 20,000 Buddhist followers praying for world peace at the closing ceremony in Taipei.

(China.org.cn March 28, 2009)

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