When Jimmy Choo, dressed in a blue checked shirt and black suit, walks into the interview room, the media group, which has waited for 30 minutes, sighs in relief and excitement. Yet, before they can throw their questions at the London-based luxury fashion designer, he raises one of his own: "Why are all the journalists present young ladies?"
And that immediately melts the ceremonious air into relaxed laughter.

The answer to Choo's question is quite simple, though. What woman does not crave a pair of his hand-beaded or stitched, personalized pair of sandals, mules, boots or wedding shoes?
But not until that moment do the capital's reporter-admirers find Choo so expressive and approachable, quite unlike what they had imagined.
His second visit to Beijing comes as VIP spokesperson for the British Council to promote British education to international students. He has played this role voluntarily and worldwide for nearly a decade. The fashion guru also delivered a series of Smart Talk lectures on creative entrepreneurship in Beijing, Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang province, and Shanghai this week.
Of Hakka descent from Guangdong province, Choo speaks a Cantonese-accented Mandarin rapidly, sprinkled liberally with English and Cantonese words. He wears an avuncular smile and his plain-spoken grace and sense of humor are clearly evident as he takes questions.
He praises a female reporter's straw hat and asks if he would look equally good with a hat to cover his baldness. He sketches on paper when pushed for suggestions on what to look for when purchasing a stylish and comfortable pair of shoes.
Another reporter asks how he would design wedding shoes for Chinese girls, and the salesman in him shoots to the fore as he sidesteps the specifics, declaring that he will not only provide made-to-order services but also arrange a wedding and honeymoon in his homeland, Malaysia.
Choo received the title of Dato, equivalent to a British Knighthood, from the head of his hometown in the State of Penang in 2004.