The TV drama "The Last 99 Days" is opening on 7 major domestic channels on Wednesday. The story, which is based on history, was created as a tribute to the 60 years of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
The TV Drama "The Last 99 Days" tells a story about Chinese Communist Party's underground spies in Shanghai in the late 1940s. Prior to the opening of the preparatory meeting of the national assembly, a deadly struggle got underway to protect democratic leaders. In the show, Zhang Hanyu and Duan Yihong play a pair of brothers divided by political affiliation.
Zhang Hanyu's performance in the TV series is a departure from his former roles. Duan Yihong also saw a turning point in his career as a TV actor. In the show, he had his first small-screen romance.
Both fast-rising character actors with popular appeal, Zhang Hanyu and Duan Yihong are bound to be the two major attractions of the production.
The director Wang Jun is known for such works as "Fog, Rain, and Wind", "Farewell, Vancover", "Behind the Pomp", and "Four Generations in the Same House".
( September 21, 2009)