WTO Entry Boosts China's Economy
China's World Trade Organization (WTO) entry has boosted its economic growth and advanced its legal and governmental reforms.
Legislative Process Aids Democracy
Leading law professors Wednesday hailed the Chinese legislative process that has taken on board the wisdom prevailing at grassroots level, especially now that China has entered the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Experts Discuss Post-WTO Agriculture
An increasing number of Chinese farmers are aware of the country's World Trade Organization (WTO) entry and are trying to understand what it really means to them.
Localities Urged to Map out Regional Retail Sector Blueprint
Local governments in major cities were yesterday urged by the State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC) to map out regional blueprints for the retail sector to sharpen competitiveness in the face of severe challenges from overseas chain stores.
Foreign Supermarkets Gain Bigger Share After WTO Entry
Competition among foreign retailers in China has heated up since China entered the World Trade Organization (WTO) nine months ago. According to a survey by the State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC), foreign-funded firms now account for 23 percent of the large-sized supermarkets.
IT Market Booming After Accession to WTO
China has become one of the most open markets in the world in the information technology sector and will share its development with other countries after its entry to the World Trade Organization (WTO), said a senior Chinese official at the Eighth World Electronics Forum (WEF) held in Beijing on Monday.
China to Open Official WTO Website
An official website on China and the World Trade Organization (WTO) will formally open on Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) announced here Thursday.
FDI, Driving Force of Globalization: Chinese State Councilor
State Councilor Wu Yi stressed the importance of the role of foreign direct investment (FDI), emphasizing that in this increasingly open world, FDI has become an important driving force for economic globalization, at Sunday's opening of the 2002 International Investment Forum.
Education for Farmers Essential
Nine months have passed since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) late last year. During this period, China's imports and exports of farm produce have increased in a steady and balanced way. But the WTO entry has also had some impact on the country's agriculture.
Foreign Trade Booming Since WTO Entry
Turn on a TV, browse a website or pick up a newspaper and one word will leap at you: WTO (World Trade Organization).
Movie Market Rebounds After WTO Entry
An optimistic prediction from China's first and one of the largest film festivals, the Changchun Movie Festival, is that the country's movie market is coming out of a long depression.
Shanghai to Wage Anti-dumping Fight
The city government has decided to implement a series of measures to help local industry prepare for the expected growth in the number of anti-dumping cases over the coming years.
Big Changes over the Past Half Year Since China's WTO Entry
The following is a dialog on this topic conducted between MOFTEC Minister Shi Guangsheng and People's Daily Correspondent Gong Wen. The dialog focuses on the following points.
Introducing Law into Governance
Lawyers in China have elevated their position among the public and are starting to play an increasingly important role in government.
China Speeds up Processing Anti-dumping Cases
China's foreign trade departments have launched investigations into 19 anti-dumping cases since 1997and six have reached a final decision.
China Loosens Grip on SOEs
China has worked out an aggressive plan that will allow foreign multinationals to acquire State-owned enterprises (SOEs), a breakthrough legal framework that will strategically shift the stakes of the country's tens of thousands of insolvent SOEs to foreign companies.
Managers to Undergo WTO Training
A national training project was launched on Tuesday to help entrepreneurs and management staff from domestic enterprises get familiar with World Trade Organization (WTO) knowledge.
WTO Entry Impacts China's Employment Market
China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), in a long-term point of view, means an increase of 2 - 3 million job opportunities every year. However, the recent estimation is to see an additional unemployment of 3-4 million, making the unemployment rate to rise two percentage points.
Lawyers Urged to Fit Into Bigger Suit
Lawyers were encouraged yesterday to enhance their role in the political, economic and social arenas in China. "With the development in politics, the economy, culture and the legal system, the role of lawyers in society should be given full play," said Minister of Justice Zhang Fusen at a national conference of lawyers which closed yesterday.
Quality Norm of Goods at Int'l Level by 2005
China plans to unify domestic and international standards for imports and exports and put an end to charges of erratic quality within three to five years.
All grain, No Pain as Farms Meet WTO Fracas
State-owned farms in Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province - the country's largest base for producing grain for the open market - have been striving hard to reduce costs and improve competitiveness.
Tung: HK Developing As Legal Services Center
Hong Kong is developing as the legal services center for the region, said Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa Friday at the welcome reception for the 12th Annual Meeting and Conference 2002 of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association.
Import and Export Laws Revised to Facilitate Trade
China has revised its laws on import and export commodity inspections in order to be more compatible with rules laid down by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to facilitate international trade, a senior inspection official said on April 30.
Fast Increase of Imported Steel Challenges Domestic Market
China imported 4.91 million tons of steel in the first quarter of this year, a rise of 17.5 percent over the same period of last year, sources revealed from the State Economic and Trade Commission.
China Would Further Open Financial Market: President Jiang
Chinese President Jiang Zemin met Friday with Sanford Weill, chairman and CEO of the United States Citigroup Inc., and fellow board members of the group.
Real WTO Challenges for China Will Be Cultural, Economics Professor Says
Much talk can be heard in China about the economic advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), but not much on the potential impact on Chinese society and its thinking. However, the social challenges China will face would seem to be far more important than economic ones, according to Feng Yuzhong, former president of Liaoning University, professor in economics and advisor to America Biography Institute, who attended the annual session of the Ninth National People’s Congress in Beijing.
Milk Sector Advised to Upgrade in Face of Expected Rise in Imports
Following China’s entry last December into the World Trade Organization, Chinese milk enterprises, with their backward technologies and small-scale production compared to foreign counterparts, are expected to have a hard time in the short run competing. But the China Academy of Agriculture urges China’s milk industry to look beyond the near-term and invest in the future.
WTO Entry to Help Expand Cross-Straits Ties
The entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) of both the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Taipei in the name of "Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Jinmen and Mazu" has put them under the same trade rules, making it inevitable for the two sides of the Taiwan Straits to find out better ways to deal with each other and work for common development.
China Honors Promise to WTO in Making Rules
China has strictly honored its commitments to the WTO in formulating the regulations on banking, insurance and telecom service that have been promulgated recently, Foreign Trade Minister Shi Guangsheng said Tuesday.
NPC Deputy Warns of Brain Drain After WTO Entry
Chinese enterprises should be fully aware of the challenge of losing talented people to foreign-funded companies now that China is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), said a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC).
News Analysis: WTO Entry to Boost Economic Growth in China
China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) is expected to usher in a new round of economic growth amid some pains from reform and readjustment in the first year of its WTO membership, economists said.
WTO Entry Has Far-Reaching Effect on China's Resource Management
China's accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) will have a broad and far-reaching influence on the management of the country's land and resources, a senior land official said Sunday in Beijing.
China's Art Performing Industry to Follow Int'l Operations
Chinese performing artists should learn from their peers in other countries in order to make the most international touring opportunities, Elizabeth Bradley, the chairwoman of the International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA) said Saturday.
China Modifies GMO Regulations
China is drawing up an interim measure to ensure smooth imports of genetically modified organism (GMO) products, said the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation (MOFTEC) on Friday.
Chinese Experience Gains, Pressure from WTO Membership
People in China are experiencing both gains and pressure arising from the nation's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) last October, something they have been talking about for years.
China to Upgrade Agriculture Facing WTO Challenges
China is upgrading its agriculture to meet challenges brought about by its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Vice-Minister of Agriculture Zhang Baowen, said Thursday.
Sessions Bring WTO Commitments into Focus
The coming annual sessions of the National People’s Congress and National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the first to be held following China's WTO entry, will provide a good opportunity for people at home and abroad to observe closely how China reacts to the opportunities and challenges brought by its WTO entry, according to several foreign business executives working in China.
China to Speed up Reform of Statistical System
To meet the requirements following the entry into the World Trade Organization, China will speed up reform to establish a statistical system which conforms to both the national situation and international norms, said sources with the National Statistics Bureau.
China Makes Laws for Post-WTO Era
China has repealed 90 laws that do not conform to the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and drawn out 33 judicial interpretations to meet WTO requirements over the past three years.
Shanghai to Accelerate Opening up Process
China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) will impact positively on Shanghai, JiangYiren, Shanghai vice mayor said.