To celebrate China's Journalist Holiday, which falls on November 8th, China's journalists are displaying their talent in calligraphy in Beijing's Military Museum.
Around 200 calligraphy works were exhibited at the opening ceremony of China's First Journalist Calligraphy exhibition on Thursday.
An official with the All-China Journalists Association, Xu Xinhua, spoke at the opening ceremony.
"November 8th is China's Journalist Holiday. This calligraphy exhibition is held in order to mark this day, promote the art of traditional calligraphy and display journalists' talent in their hobby of calligraphy".
The Beijing exhibition will end on Saturday and continue touring in the northeast city of Shenyang and Guangzhou in south China.
Officials attending Thursday's opening ceremony included Chairman of All-China Journalists Association Shao Huaze and Vice Chairman Man Yunlai.
( November 4, 2005)