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March 28, 2003 - April 4, 2003
Chinese Health Minister on SARS
Health Minister Zhang Wenkang, Vice Health Minister Ma Xiaowei, Director Qi Xiaoqiu of the Disease Control Dept. of the Ministry of Health, and Director Li Liming of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, met the press in Beijing on April 3, answering questions concerning the epidemic in China of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) also referred to as “atypical pneumonia”.
Rural Tax Reform to Begin Nationwide
The decision to try rural tax reform nationwide this year would be a major reform to promote development in the countryside, Premier Wen Jiabao said at a national teleconference Thursday. The reform aimed to completely reduce farmers’ financial burdens.
China Reports Progress in Human Rights
Human Rights magazine, launched by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, published an article entitled "Development of China's Human Rights Cause in the Past 13 Years", citing a great number of statistics and facts to prove China’s achievements in human rights over the past 13 years.
Tibetan Medicine Database Series Published
The Chinese Tibetan Medicine Database Series, developed jointly by the Environmental Science Information Center and the Nuodi Tibetan Medicine Research Association, has had its inaugural publication.
Efforts Lead to Decreasing Atypical Pneumonia Cases
China's efforts to curb the atypical pneumonia have resulted in a rise of recovered patients and a drop of new patients, Health Minister Zhang Wenkang said in Beijing Wednesday. As of March 31, 1,190 atypical pneumonia patients had been reported in the inland areas of China, and 46 had died.
Chinese Peace-keepers Leave for DRC
An engineering company of Chinese peace-keepers departed from Beijing Tuesday night for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This is the second time China has sent a detachment of military personnel to join a UN-sponsored overseas peace-keeping mission.
Ambassador Criticizes Political Confrontation on Human Rights
The head of the Chinese delegation to the 59th session of United Nations Commission on Human Rights (CHR), Ambassador Sha Zukang, criticized on Tuesday the political confrontation existing in the CHR, especially under the item on country situations.
Preserving Harmonic Chords of Time
Cultural officials and experts from Europe and Asia gathered in Beijing Monday to exchange ideas and training methods concerning the values, knowledge, relevant laws and use of new technology for the protection of traditional music against the backdrop of globalization.
Environmental Effort Gains International Support
China's efforts to promote worldwide cooperation in addressing environmental problems related to climate change have been acclaimed by participants at an international forum on the issue.
Valiant Efforts Quench Forest Fire
Two forest fires, in Foping County, Shaanxi Province and the Greater Hinggan Mountain Forest, Heilongjiang Province, have been put out and brought under control, thanks to great effort by local firefighters, officials and residents.
Chinese Renminbi: Strong Currency in Asia
Millions of Chinese traveling in Asian regions are taking the Chinese Renminbi (RMB) with them, using the currency as a means of payment, as it enjoys a status never credited it before -- a strong currency. Neighboring markets now accept the RMB for payment, hoping it would stimulate consumption of mainland Chinese tourists.
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