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China, Slovakia Agree to Deepen Cooperation

The Slovakian prime minister, Mikuláš Dzurinda, met Premier Wen Jiabao in Bratislava on Wednesday and they agreed to deepen cooperation between their two countries.

Wen said China hopes to strengthen political, economic and cultural cooperation with Slovakia and that the momentum of high-level contacts should be maintained for dialogue and consultation on international and regional issues of common concern.

Dzurinda said the Slovak government is happy with its political and economic relations with China, whose rapid economic growth has created opportunities for Slovak enterprises. He added that Slovakia, in the heart of Europe, is well placed for investment by Chinese companies.

Wen proposed to expand contacts in fields such as culture, education and tourism in an attempt to boost mutual understanding and friendship, noting that relations have progressed since Slovakia and the Czech Republic split in 1993.

Economic and trade cooperation has borne fruit as bilateral trade increased eightfold in the past 12 years, said Wen, and there is no fundamental conflict of interests between them.

Dzurinda said Slovakia looks forward to further strengthening political, economic and cultural relations and enhancing consultations in international affairs with China, adding that his government would stick to a "one-China" policy.

The two leaders also exchanged views on China-Europe relations, UN reforms and other international and regional issues.

Wen arrived in the Slovakian capital yesterday afternoon for a 24-hour visit after his trip to France. He is scheduled to travel on to the Czech Republic, Portugal and Malaysia. 

(Xinhua News Agency December 8, 2005)

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