China's first interactive cinematic film premiered Friday. "PK.COM.CN" is directed by rising young film maker, Xiao Jiang. Leading the cast are pop star Jaycee Chan, Wilson Chan and Niu Mengmeng.
"PK.COM.CN" is also China's first film whose title derives directly from English characters. The progression of the big-screen story, was chosen by film goers, who voiced their opinions on the Internet. Close to four million people voted.
A million favoured the storyline of the popular novel, "Who says we can't miss youth". Others in contention were "How many flowers fall in dreams"-- "Swaying" -- and "Losing love when we graduate". Producers weren't revealing anything in advance -- but the most popular choice among audiences was to adapted for "PK.COM.CN".
The film opens on the story of surgeon Zhang Wenli who leads a tedious life. He yearns to see his college mate Ji Yinchuan. In college Ji gave Zhang loyal support. He gave Zhang strength during moments of despair. Then, Zhang meets the woman in Ji's life, Wu Yufei -- and learns his friend is dead.
Jaycee Chan and Wilson Chan play the two friends. They melded their off screen friendship into their roles in the film.
Wilson Chan, Leading Actor of "PK.COM.CN" said "Sometimes, the director lost control of us. We didn't even notice what we were doing. So, we added a lot to the original screenplay. It was hard to control. Our leading lady, Niu Mengmeng sometimes got lost in our improvisational efforts and asked what film we were doing. Finally she got used to it."
The film features the most popular elements -- youth and love. It targets the audience between 15 and 25. Shooting was delayed for some time while producers reviewed the story line choices of the fans. Now, two years later, "PK.COM.CN" is in theatres.
(CCTV March 17, 2008)