More rainstorms for China

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, July 29, 2011
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Torrential rains hit Beijing and Hebei Province on Friday morning and will continue to pound north China and southern coastal regions over the next three days, says China's meteorological authority.

A downpour hit Beijing on Friday during the morning rush hour.

A downpour hit Beijing on Friday during the morning rush hour.

The heavy rainstorm covered Beijing and neighboring Hebei Province during the morning rush hour. By 10 a.m., 85 flights were delayed and 52 were canceled due to the storm.

Chen Dagang, a weather expert with the Beijing observatory, said Beijing has received 372 mm of rain this year, which is the highest in 10 years.

Meanwhile, Southern coastal areas of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan will see massive downpours, as the tropical storm Nock-Ten is expected to land on Friday afternoon or evening, the National Meteorological Center (NMC) said.

*As the island braces for tropical storm Nock-Ten, the Hainan provincial government has ordered all fishing boats to return to port. [Xinhua]

As the island braces for tropical storm Nock-Ten, the Hainan provincial government has ordered all fishing boats to return to port. [Xinhua]

The NMC issued a yellow alert for the storm, warning local authorities and the public to take precautions and intensify safety checks. The yellow alert is the second-lowest alert level in the country's four-level rainstorm alert system.

Downpours will hit the northern part of the Sichuan Basin, the southeastern part of northwest China, the central and southern areas of north China and its eastern part, the provinces of Shandong and Liaoning, the northeastern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and southern coastal areas.

Meanwhile, thunderstorms will hit the northwestern part of the Sichuan Basin, the municipality of Tianjin and provinces of Shanxi and Hebei.

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