For quite some time Hainan has to import large amounts of coal, fuel and gas from outside to meet with growing scales of new projects, which puts pressure on energy supply.
The city in recent years has made progress in ecological fields though it has a long way to go from becoming a city with sound ecology.
The basic solution to the city's energy supply problem is to develop fuel cycle economy and renewable energy sources, experts agreed. The city government has decided to major in the following five fields to make Haikou an ecology-friendly city, a city that saves energy and cultivates renewable energy.
First, promoting rural reforms in the use of energy
The project summarized as one methane pool and reforms will continue in the suburbs, where methane generated at the sideline of pig raising could be turned into energy source for growing fruits, vegetables or tropical crops.
As technology advances, more villages are expected to adopt a certain mode of these. Even those unfit for pig raising could use a new generation of methane-producing furnace which is an ideal replacement of firewood, coal or liquefied gas.
Second, making full use of straw sources
Haikou is rich in straws of rice, tropical crops and fruit trees. The city has forked out budgetary support for the introduction of facilities and technology to turn straws into fuel.
The city is also conducting research in making use of straw to produce gas and solid fuel and generate power.
Third, encouraging the use of solar power and geothermal energy
Focus of efforts will be on the spread of solar-power heaters. In the next decade, such heaters are expected not only in homes but also in hotels and holiday inns. The city will study and adopt norms for integrating solar power into construction process.
Haikou will also promote use of photovoltaic energy in lighting at public facilities via trial operations. Large enterprises in such fields as telecommunications, transport, power supply and petroleum will be encouraged to use photovoltaic energy for daily or emergency power supply.
Geothermal energy will be used in tourism, real estate, public health and winter sports sectors.
Fourth, improving the comprehensive use of biomass energy
Haikou has been successful in trial use of natural gas for automobiles. It is striving to be a leader in the popularization of ethanol as fuel and bio-diesel.
The city is conducting research and feasibility studies for future projects and making efforts to combine energy-oriented agriculture and ecology-friendly farming.
Fifth, building up a system for fuel cycle energy and renewable energy
Priority will be given to adoption of detailed regulations for the execution of Renewable Energy Law. Macro-planning will put the issue on high agenda and enterprises in the research and development of renewable energy will be backed up.
While raising the public awareness for renewable energy, the city will build industrial and ecological parks that actually put fuel cycle into use.
Policies will be adjusted to spur the market growth of renewable market sources and products and cut emission from large coal-burning power plants and petrochemical producers.
(China Daily December 30, 2008)