China installed a stronger sea barrier off the coast of Qingdao city to keep algae out of the Olympic sailing venue on Saturday.
The 22,000-meter-long barrier can block off algae under winds at the speed of 61,200 meters per hour, local authorities said.
The first 20,000-meter-long barrier was completed at on Friday 100 meters away.
More than 100 boats with 500 fishermen on board were sent to work on the barriers.
"The first barrier has been proved effective and the second could remove our worries about the algae from outer seas," said Zhao Han, head of the project and deputy director of Qiangdao Maritime Safety Administration.
Only scattered pieces of algae could still be found in the cleaned up areas and they would be fully cleared by July 15, Zhao said. The sailing event will take place here on Aug. 8 to 23.
The government and experts are still working on emergency plans once the wind is stronger than 61,200 meters per hour, which is highly likely in this sea areas in August. Zhao said.
(Xinhua News Agency July 12, 2008)