Let us applaud the move by Yu Minhong to build a "university for the poor", says an article in Yanzhao Metropolis News. The following is an excerpt:
During the annual sessions of the NPC and CPPCC, Yu, a CPPCC member and chairman of the New Oriental Education Group, told the media the group will build a university for poor students and it will raise as much as 2 billion yuan ($281 million) to start a foundation to subsidize tuition fees.
This university will be an unusual one, Yu said.
"I want to realize my dream to build a non-profit private university to give an opportunity to poor students, and that one day it will become one of the best universities in China," said Yu.
China is not short of universities. The total number at present has already surpassed 1,000. However, despite the huge number, there are also many that are not quite up to standard.
And, only one "university for the poor" does not solve the problem when considering the number of such students seeking higher education. We need many more. We should ensure poor students have the opportunity for higher education.
We hope Yu's dream will be fulfilled.
(China Daily March 17, 2008)