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WHO warns of tobacco offensive against youngsters
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The World Health Organization (WHO) Friday raised the alarm on the tobacco marketing net that targets half a billion young people in the Western Pacific Region.

In a statement to mark World No Tobacco Day on May 31, WHO said the tobacco industry preys on the vulnerability of young people, knowing that they underestimate the risk of becoming addicted to nicotine.

WHO called on policy-makers to support the ban on advertising, sponsorship and promotion called for in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

The more young people are exposed to tobacco advertising, the more likely they are to use tobacco, WHO said.

Widespread tobacco advertising makes tobacco use look normal and makes it difficult for young people to believe that smoking can kill, the health agency added.

"Youngsters are led to believe that certain types of cigarettes do not contain nicotine, when in fact they do," said Dr. Shigeru Omi, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific.

"These tactics, along with the bombardment of messages through billboards, newspapers, magazines, radio and television ads, as well as sports and fashion sponsorships and other ploys, are meant to deceive young people into trying their first stick," the doctor added.

Research showed that only a total ban can break the tobacco marketing net, WHO said.

Partial bans merely allow companies to shift their vast resources from one promotional tactic to another, including falsely associating use of their products with desirable qualities such as glamour, energy and sex appeal, as well as exciting outdoor activities and adventure.

Other than advertisements on billboards, in magazines, and on television, radio and the internet, the industry also ensures its products are highly visible in movies, in the world of fashion andin charity events, WHO.

Tobacco companies sponsor sports and entertainment events, handout branded items and advertise at point of sales to attract young people. Girls and young female adults are specially targeted. The rise in tobacco use in this group, the tobacco industry's special focus, is a challenge that has to be dealt with urgently, Dr. Omi said.

(Xinhua/Agencies May 30, 2008)

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