Are you tired of your tired body? Ready to get up off the couch and start burning fat? You don't have to spend big bucks to start the burn. Here are some easy, fun ways to get fit and firm.
Get into step
Getting fit doesn't mean you have to wear the latest fancy joggers while trudging away on an expensive treadmill. All it takes is putting one foot in front of the other.
A brisk walk to the park or the shops is just as effective. Plus, it's more natural for the body. The great outdoors doesn't come with handrails or rubber treadmills, so walking in the open air helps to improves your body's ability to balance and stabilise itself.
And on a beautiful day, wouldn't you rather be out in the fresh air anyway?
Adopt a dog
No joke. Having a dog means having to walk it and walking is a fabulous way to stay in shape. Most likely the dog will take you for a walk (the bigger, the better), meaning you aren't going to be limply strolling along. Try to keep the dog and yourself outside for a full half hour at least four times a week, and gradually take longer walks, seeking out uphill routes.
Take a hike
Don't get swept up into all those confusing (and expensive) cardio cross-training classes. Trail walking is a great way to vary the intensity of your cardio routine. The variation in terrain not only changes the cardiovascular workout but also the muscles used, which can offer a more thorough lower-body workout.
Ride into the sunset
Remember how much you loved your bike when you were a child? It was a great way of getting around town and it still is - no petrol, no parking worries, and it gets you fit too.
But you don't need a glitzy mountain bike; look in your local small ads for a second-hand boneshaker, pump up the tyres, oil the chain, and you're off! (Drop it round to the bike shop for a service if you're at all concerned, it won't cost much.)
Stick to cycle lanes and off-road paths where possible, use your road sense and wear a helmet. You'll save yourself a fortune in travel costs.
Why pay for expensive dance classes when you can dance the night away with friends? It's fun, it's social, and it's a great fat burning activity.
(China Daily August 19,2008)